Classic Songs
My original poems are (or will be) on other records but sometimes a girl just wants to sing the songs she knows by heart.
I imagine that y’all would like to remix, edit, download and generally enjoy renditions of beloved standards. since i am part of the nacho booty nextwork, i won’t gatekeep work that i can produce by plopping down on the bed and singing a song i know!
Let’s try to keep the idea that “some are born to sing the blues” confined to history, shall we? Never repeat the sins of the past? Let’s do that, we have the chance to change now.
Daddy’s Girl 2004
Music Videos I Like! <3
Here are some of the music videos I made while languishing in obscurity. UGH. The fetishization of the 😿“staaaarving artist” or the 🥀“tortured poetess” or as my funny friend Teri joked in high school 🎀“KILL ME NOW BARBIE” which... yes, if one’s life sucks sometimes you would welcome the release of THE END OF THE TORMENTS. Not death necessarily, but if a girl cannot escape violence sometimes she loses interest in food. Aaaanyway if I am a rich bitch, then I’m taking a pro tip from CARDI B and Nicki Minaj and Beyonce and Rihanna (FENTY RULES) and of course I gotta say MEGAN THEE STALLION-- REMAINING RICH ENOUGH that I will not have to see if Jon Stewart will help me raise a legal defense fund.
A bitch must remain rich enough to win lawsuits. I love dancing so I could, potentially, need to win a lawsuit against someone who could take a CREEPY PHOTO OF ME DANCING AT THE CLUB and use that photo to allege an affair or say that I DESERVE TO BE SLUT-SHAMED for their profit.
Big Thank You To...
Teachers College
The graduate school I attended where I had a very rough year. As a woman with a leg injury - oof, tough time.
Columbia university
Nevertheless, I attended grad school. Thought I was a used-up miserable hag at 34 but um... Mama lied.
New York citaaaaay! <3
Yes yes we all know I am not 34, my wisdom teeth are there. PHEW! I’m aliiiiiiiiiiiive! I lived to age 23!!!!!!